Fun Plants for Cats: Grow Your Own Cat Garden

Plants for Cats & Cat Gardens

For us cat moms with green thumbs, creating a little cat garden is a fun way to treat your furbaby while also discouraging their munching on all your other plants. While there are many great resources out there for what plants cats cannot have, don’t let this make you think there are no fun plants for cats! There are a lot of great plants that cats can enjoy, ranging from the ever-popular catnip to lesser-known plants like catmint and cat thyme. Here, I’m sharing a handful of great plants for cats that you can use to create a cat garden for your furbabies:

Whether you’re adopting your first cat or adding to your clowder,
my Cat Care Guide covers everything you need to know about giving your cat their best life!
Check out my full Cat Care Guide here!

Table of Contents:

Fun Plants to Grow for Cats


An obvious choice for your cat garden is catnip. A common herb in the mint family, catnip is an easy-to-grow plant that cats tend to love. In fact, the scientific name Nepeta cataria (cataria meaning “of a cat”) indicates just how long the herb has been associated with cats.

Catnip leaves and stems contain nepetalactone oil, which is what triggers cats’ robust response to the herb. The scent of nepetalactone oil triggers a pheromone response in cats, giving them a “sense of euphoria or overwhelming happiness,” according to The Dodo.

Learn more about catnip in my catnip FAQ guide here!


A pretty plant with a rather potent scent, valerian (and its roots, in particular) are often used as a soothing ingredient in teas for humans. Depending on the cat, it can be either stimulating or soothing (much like catnip), and can often be found mixed with catnip in cat toys and the like. Valerian is easy to grow and can give your furbaby something new to sniff on in their cat garden!

Cat Grass

One of my cats’ favorites, cat grass is a simple-to-grow option for cats who love to munch on greenery. Cat grass satisfies your cats’ natural instinct to chew on grass and plants, while aiding in digestion and reducing the risk of hairballs (a major plus for me!). It’s also a simple way to give your cat some stimulating engagement, whether you keep your little cat grass planter indoors or on your screened-in catio like we do. There are a lot of cat grass options out there, but we love The Cat Ladies brand sets; they’re super easy to cultivate and have high-quality seeds packed with vitamins and essential nutrients! You can learn more about that here (and check out my cat, Louis, munching on some fresh cat grass!)

Silver Vine

Another popular alternative to catnip, silver vine (Actinidia polygama) is actually a member of the kiwi family with origins in China, Japan, and Russia. The name silver vine comes from the silver-white markings on the plant’s leaves and white flowers. Silver vine produces a similar euphoric effect to catnip, with results lasting about a half hour. According to PetMD, more cats are responsive to silver vine than catnip, so if your cat doesn’t care about nip, maybe treat them to silver vine instead!

P.S. if you want to jump start your cats’ silver vine trip, check out these awesome silver vine toys! My cats love them!


Like with catnip, cats tend to love the scent of mint plants. While you do have to be careful with mint because it can upset their stomachs if cats eat too much, it is typically an enjoyable plant for a cat garden with supervision. Catmint, which is pretty similar to catnip, contains some of the nepetalactones that produce euphoria in cats. Unlike catnip, though, catmint tends to be a tidier looking plant.

Cat Thyme

Cat thyme is a great option for cats who don’t typically go for catnip. It gives a similar effect as catnip but is different enough to engage non-catnip loving cats. This herb has a stronger smell than catnip, so be warned! It is known to be pretty potent.

Shop Seeds & Supplies for These Plants for Cats

Why Do Cats Like Catnip?: FAQ About Cats and Catnip

Curious about why cats love catnip?

Whether you’re a veteran cat lover or new to the feline world, we all know about cats loving catnip.

Here, I’m sharing some frequently asked questions about cats and catnip, along with some of the best catnip products you can get for your furbaby!

 *This post was originally published as part of my Cat Mom Life series in 2024. It was most recently updated on June 23, 2024.

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